See and experience – The Planetarium

As close to the universe as it gets

Distant parts of outer space are a source of fascination and admiration for all generations. Now you can get closer to them in our unique planetarium, with video projections that will take your breath away!

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See and experience – The Planetarium

Secrets of the Earth and human civilisation

Through the audiovisual spectacle in our planetarium, as well as from the depths of the universe, you can discover the secrets of the world around us, of past eras, and also the mysteries hidden within us!

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the most modern video and audio system that provides you with a 360-degree visual spectacle


educational projections every hour


a capacity of 36 visitors for one projection

Can I travel through the universe?

Why not! It may not be a NASA rocket, but our planetarium offers the unique experience of travelling through the universe and through time. Daily projections are held in the planetarium every hour, and we also organise special events led by astronomers.
What distinguishes the planetarium from an ordinary movie theatre is the projection dome enabling a 360° experience – diving into the secrets of the cosmos, getting to know distant constellations, and even descending to the deepest parts of the ocean or enjoying the polar light of the Arctic!

Do you know the origin of the word astronaut?

The word "astronaut" comes from the ancient Greek words for star and sailor (astron and nautes).
No wonder we invented planetariums - who wouldn't want to sail among the stars, even if they're not an astronaut!

Projections in the planetarium

Distant Worlds – Alien Life?

Despite the fact that the discovered space bodies still show no signs of life, the vastness of the universe still makes us ask ourselves: are we really alone? While we are still waiting for some answers, you can find out some of them in this 360-degree video projection that explores the conditions necessary for the origin of life, starting with the planets and moons of the solar system, and ending with newly discovered exoplanets orbiting other stars.

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Distant worlds Alien life (1)

The Dark Matter Mystery – Exploring a Cosmic Secret

What makes up the universe? Why does it look the way it does? If similar questions are running through your head, join the scientists in an exciting quest as they use experiments in the universe and deep underground to unravel the secrets of dark matter.

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