The Palace of Science – Miodrag Kostić Foundation will be the first Centre for Research and Science Popularisation in Serbia and the largest in the region, with scientific content and activities spanning over 5,500 square metres.

Within this space, scientific work will take place in 19 research centres in partnership with the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at the University of Belgrade. These centres will engage in fundamental research and applied technologies across various fields.

 The second part of the space will be dedicated to bringing science closer to the general public, with a focus on nurturing curiosity in children and youth through knowledge about scientific discoveries and their application in everyday life. Inside the Palace of Science, there will be a large number of interactive and educational exhibits as part of permanent and visiting exhibitions, providing unique scientific experiences and exciting demonstrations to all visitors.

A strong support for science and scientific-technological development in Serbia will be provided through an investment of over 25 million euros and the creation of a unique space in the heart of Belgrade. This monumental architectural landmark, a building dating back to 1924, at the intersection of Kralja Milana and Kneza Miloša streets, will open its doors to current and future scientists, researchers, students, pupils, and people of all generations who believe in a world of boundless possibilities revealed by science.


The Miodrag Kostić Foundation was established with the goal of supporting the development of science, its promotion and popularisation. Through its activities, it will make a significant contribution to the scientific and technological development of Serbia. Its operations are also focused on:

  • Encouraging research and innovation
  • Facilitating the exchange and transmission of knowledge
  • Supporting the development of educational programmes
  • Creating top-notch working conditions for young scientists and encouraging them to stay in Serbia
  • Inspiring young people to pursue careers in STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) fields and engage in scientific research
  • Promoting dialogue on scientific topics and collaborating with scientific institutions
  • Cultivating scientific curiosity in the broader community, along with an understanding of scientific discoveries and their impact on everyday life
  • Linking science with current social and economic issues



We believe that knowledge is what makes a difference in life, in business, in society. Therefore, investing in knowledge, its development, and sharing knowledge forms the basis of our mission. With knowledge, we change the world.


We believe that curiosity is at the heart of all discoveries. By inspiring curiosity, we inspire pushing boundaries. Science is a source of inspiration, and that’s why we open the doors to exploration.


We believe in progress. The world is constantly changing and never stands still. Science is a living entity, and its greatest power is shaping the future and advancing humanity. That’s why innovation is our guiding star.


We believe in working for the well-being of society and the planet. People are remembered for what they leave behind. Therefore, we measure our success by the value we leave to society.


Development and knowledge exchange that pushes boundaries


Science as an inspiration source for personal and societal prosperity


  • We believe in a world without borders. Scientific research knows no boundaries, neither geographical, nor intellectual. There is no “territory” that the human mind cannot explore.
  • We believe in the inexhaustible power of the human mind. Every person possesses the capacity for creation, innovation and discovery. We encourage everyone to dream big.
  • We believe in the power of education. Education should be accessible to all. We want to inspire people of all ages to educate themselves, explore and ask questions.
  • We believe in continuous development. Innovations drive our world. The Palace of Science will be a place where the ideas of tomorrow are shaped today.
  • We believe in collaboration and dialogue. Science is a collective endeavour. We want to be part of a global network and invite everyone to exchange knowledge and experiences.