Science centres

ICT Academy

The virtual celebration of 50 years of the Internet was held on 19 May 2024, with the founders of the Internet, Vint Cerf and Robert Kahn, giving speeches.

What does the Centre do?

At the ICT Academy, we organise industrial training for the acquisition of practical knowledge in various fields of information and communication technology. Through learning and practice in a specially equipped classroom, our trainees – students, employees in the economy and other interested, future digital transformation leaders – develop practical skills aligned with the requirements of the industry and the labour market. The trainees acquire systematically established industrial certificates as a guarantee of their knowledge and skills. The ICT Academy industrial courses substantially supplement classical education in the field of digital technologies.

Centre Head

Assistant Professor Dr Mladen Koprivica

Assistant Professor at the Department of Telecommunications of ETF

Ongoing projects

  • Training sessions for the first level of industrial certificates in the field of communication networks